Buying Live Copepods

Buying Copepods and Amphipods to Seed your refugium with copepods and main display tank and live rock and corals.

Get live food such as Copepods and Amphipods in order for your aquatic animals to achieve their full health potential and vibrant colors that they have in the wild.

Fish and corals need to forage continuously throughout the day on live zooplankton.

Best place to buy copepods is direct from the zooplankton farm.

When you buy direct you save and you get the best service and freshest copepods delivered to our door. 


We have the largest variety of live fish food available on line to provide every sized organism for every type of fish and coral in the reef tank aquarium system.

Want to keep seahorses healthy and breeding with long lives?

Subscribe to a continuous dependable supply of live plankton and copepods direct from the farm.