Benefits of introducing Amphipods to the Reef Tank

Establish an Amphipod breeding colony in your Reef Tank and refugium.

The best live fish food zooplankton for Mandarin Dragonets and Seahorses.

Amphipods will live and breed in cracks and crevices in your live rock and will come out at night when it's safe and eat uneaten food and fish waste thus helping to maintain  water quality also consume unwanted nuisance algae.

Easy to culture your own. All that’s needed is a 10 gal aquarium, air stone, and small filter.

 Amphipods are great for seeding refugium and live rock.

Amphipods have a highly nutritious profile. Containing Omega 3 – 6 fatty acids and many more powerful vitamins and elements to provide the healthiest diet for captive kept marine animals of all types.

As live Amphipods mature to adults they become more benthic (like to crawl on structure), but will also swim sometimes.


Newborn naupli are in the 100- 200 micron size.

Stages of juveniles are 1 – 3 millimeter size.

Adults get up to 6 millimeter (1/4 inch) size.

An Amphipod breeding colony can produce many baby pods per week.

Amphipods make an excellent micro cleanup crew. 

Amphipods will breath new life into your live rock and substrate, they get into the smallest cracks and crevices in the live rock and consume unwanted nuisance algae like hair algae, slime algae and other coating algae.